Sunday, May 24, 2020

Life is an Attitude - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1548 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/05/28 Category Philosophy Essay Level High school Tags: Value of Life Essay Did you like this example? As humans, we assign value to many things. Life, just happens to be one of those things. But not everyone sees the value of life in the same way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Life is an Attitude" essay for you Create order The value of life comes from within each and every one of us individually. In excerpts from different viewpoints such as the contemptuous outlook on life of William Shakespeares Hamlet, to Roger Ebert and Steve Jobsrs positive outlook on life and death, audiences everywhere are shown why one should value their own life, no matter what hardships one is going through. In addition, we can come to the realization that the idea of assigning a value to someoners life from a financial standpoint is unfair because our true value lies within the relationships one develops and the legacy one leaves behind. A personrs value should not be determined by material possessions, titles, social status, or any amount of money. For decades, society has based the value of somebodyrs life around the amount of money that person has and how popular the person is. This is wrong, because the value of oners life should be determined by how happy they are, the experiences theyve had, and the relationships theyve acquired. Society has its priorities in the wrong order; we think that actors, music artists † celebrities in general † are worth more than those who have good hearts and dont make as much money. Money cannot buy happiness, so why do we as a society put very large price tags on these celebrities who are only living miserable lives and plaster false smiles on their faces when a camera is pointed in their direction? William Shakespearers play, Hamlet, shows us just how no amount of money in the world † or title a person holds † is capable of filling the void that is left after the passing of a loved one. Hamlet, a young prince whose father was murdered, has a very pessimistic view on what life is worth after his fatherrs death. In fact, he despises his life so much that he wishes he could end it. Hamlet claims life to be a sea of troubles (Ln. 4), and is skeptical about continuing on living his life. William Shakespearers work is admirable, but his central claim to be or not to be is despondent and faint-hearted. Hamletrs outlook on life is evaluated on an emotional level rather than financial, but how can somebody be content when their vision of life is completely twisted? When my grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimers, he didnt let the disease define who he is and what he can and cannot do. He also knew he was near his deathbed, but he did not let that stop him from getting up e very morning to go work in the fields to be able to provide for my mother and her sisters. Even if he had to have somebody behind him 24/7 to make sure he didnt wander off elsewhere, he still did what he did, because he loved his family very much and knew he had to support them until the end of his days. I dont know how he managed to get out of his bed every day, but sure enough, he did. He just got up and continued with his life as if he were perfectly fine. Not once did he ever voice a complaint, and he never once let his condition run his life. My grandpars story, as well as Jobsrs and Ebertrs, are proof that even when tragic things in life happen, it isnt the end, and that your tragedies are not who you are and they should not dictate what you do and how much you are worth in this world. From Chris Jonesrs interview with Roger Ebert, we come to an understanding that unlike Hamlet, Ebert views life and death in a very optimistic way despite the calamity of his life. Chris Jones, a writer for Esquire Magazine, quotes Ebert, to make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all the crime starts (Jones 34). Roger Ebert was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2002, which was then successfully removed through surgery. In 2003, he underwent surgery to get rid of cancer in his salivary glands. His illness was killing him, but Ebert did not let it define him. The uncertainty of Ebertrs health impacts the way we see his attitude toward the value of life because it makes it seem like Roger Ebert is ready to live life to its fullest, regardless of how much time is left and his condition, and this would be apparent regardless of whether or not he beat out cancer. Surviving something like that is amazing, thus giving more meaning to living life fuller than befo re. Ebert continued his life as a film critic until his death. He didnt do what he did because he was forced to, but because he had a passion and truly loved what he did. The appreciation Ebert had for his life regardless of his illness and hardships he faced should get nothing but respect. It would be such a wonderful thing if we could all develop such a love and passion for something similar to Ebertrs love for movies and writing. Ebert states, its saving me when I am writing, my problems become invisible and I am the same person I always was (Jones 18). I cannot express my admiration for Ebertrs optimistic attitude. I truly believe that Roger Ebert has left a lasting legacy on the world, his courageous story has been imprinted into the hearts of many. Similar to Roger Ebert, Steve Jobs is another innovative, wise man and an amazing source of positivity. Stanford Universityrs graduating class of 2005 received such an amazing and truly inspiring speech from Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was the chairman, chief executive officer, and co-founder of Apple Inc. He delivered a speech based around one simple phrase, youve got to find what you love, (Par. 15). In his speech, Jobs mentions how as soon as he began to live in fear due to his failures, he did what he could to change it right away. He obtained that personal drive within him to get him to accomplish his goals. His speech reminds us that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to, no matter how big, no matter how small. He encourages us to believe in ourselves and achieve wonderful things because the world will always need us. In addtion, he tells the graduates about three different stories in his life, all serving as valuable lessons titled: connecting the dots, love and loss, and death. He explains to the graduating students how important it is to follow your heart and that you have to trust that eventually, things will be okay. He compares finding the right occupation to choosing a lover, As with all matters of the heart, youll know it when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on (Par. 15). Itrs safe to s ay that a majority of people arent particularly overjoyed with their occupation; oftentimes we hear how much people hate their jobs. I think what Steve was trying to get across to those students is that you only get one chance at life, so why waste it doing something that doesnt make you happy? I learned a lot from this speech, and although Im unsure of what the future holds for me, I am sure that everything will turn out alright. Steve Jobs has inspired so many people around the world, including myself, to chase their dreams, and if it doesnt turn out, itrs not the end. You can always start over. Steve Jobs and his wise words have left a lasting impression on the world. He stood for something so simple, that still carries such a heavy importance on our lives: being happy. Some may argue that life is meaningless, as to why they do not value life as much as others. So what? I mean, itrs true; it is hard to get excited about your day knowing that nothing really matters in the grand scheme. This also means that all those other responsibilities you are so worried about dont matter either. Nihilism is a philosophy for those who are sad, and also for those who are happy, it is a philosophical viewpoint arguing that life lacks objective meaning, purpose, or instinctive value. Basically, there is no point for anything and everything in the universe is simply coincidental. If life is meaningless, then that means that life is nothing, and nothing is something. However, it is up to each individual to define the meaning of their own lives, even if others find life to lack a purpose. To conclude, the most important thing in this life is attitude. Itrs incredible how something so simple can have such a monumental impact on someoners life. To live a happy life, all you have to do is change your outlook on it, and think positively, do not focus on your financial situation or social status because the value of your life is so much more than that. If you look for the light in all situations you will find that life is a beautiful thing, and there is no time for pessimism.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Meaning of Other in Sociology

In classical sociology, other is a concept in the study of social life through which we define relationships. We encounter two distinct types of others in relation to ourselves. Significant Other A â€Å"significant other† is someone about whom we have some degree of specific knowledge and thus we pay attention to what we perceive to be his or her personal thoughts, feelings or expectations. In this case, significant does not mean that the person is important, and it doesnt refer to the common parlance of a romantic relationship. Archie O. Haller, Edward L. Fink, and Joseph Woelfel of the University of Wisconsin performed the first scientific research and measurements of the influence of significant others on individuals. Haller, Fink, and Woelfel surveyed 100 adolescents in Wisconsin and measured their educational and occupational aspirations while also identifying the group of other individuals who interacted with the students and were mentors for them. Then they measured the impact of the significant others and their expectations for the teens educational possibilities. The results found that the expectations of the significant had the single most powerful influence on the students own aspirations. Generalized Other The second type of other is the â€Å"generalized other,† which we experience primarily as an abstract social status and the role that goes with it. It was developed by George Herbert Mead as a core concept in his discussion of the social genesis of the self. According to Mead, the self lives in an individuals ability to account for himself as a social being. This also requires a person to account for the role of the other as well as how his or her actions could affect a group. The generalized other represents the collection of roles and attitudes that people use as a reference to figure out how to behave in any particular situation. According to Mead: Selves develop in social contexts as people learn to take the roles of their consociates such that they can with a fair degree of accuracy predict how one set of actions is likely to generate fairly predictable responses. People develop these capacities in the process of interacting with one another, sharing meaningful symbols, and developing and using language to create, refine, and assign meanings to social objects (including themselves). For people to engage in complex and intricate social processes, they have to develop a sense of expectations--the rules, roles, norms, and understanding that make responses predictable and understandable. When you learn these rules as distinct from others, the aggregate comprises a generalized other. Examples of the Other A significant other: We might know that the corner grocery store clerk likes children or does not like it when people ask to use the restroom. As an â€Å"other,† this person is significant in that we pay attention not only to what grocers are generally like, but also what we know about this particular grocer. A generalized other: When we enter a grocery store without any knowledge of the grocer, our expectations are based only on knowledge of grocers and customers in general and what is usually supposed to take place when they interact. Thus when we interact with this grocer, our only basis for knowledge is the generalized other.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Characterization of Curleys Wife Of Mice and Man Free Essays

Curley’s wife has no name and seem to not be givien no importantance. As the only woman on the ranch, Curley’s wife is lonely and sad. In the novel they don’t portray women in the best matters. We will write a custom essay sample on Characterization of Curleys Wife Of Mice and Man or any similar topic only for you Order Now They treat women with despite in the whole novel. Women seem to drive them mad and only bring trouble towards them. In curley’s wife case she seem to be all those charactierisctics. She reminices of unhappiness in her marriage because her husband seems to care little for her, and is really more interested in talking about himself than anything else. Which seems like something she is impossible to intake. She is so self-obessed and loves to talk about her self whenever possible. She flirts deliberately with the ranch hands and does little to hide these flirtations from her husband. Knowingly causing the ranch hands to suffer Curley’s hot-headed, glove-wearing wrath. Even though she is a very pretty her attitude isn’t close to it. She was very vulnerable always being seen and called a â€Å"tramp† and â€Å"tart† it must be hard to be her. Which is why I feel like she preys on weakness, it’s the only time she feels empowered. She is always picking on Candy’s incapacitated age, the color of Crooks’s skin and Lennie’s mental handicap. Curley’s wife, like Lennie, has no ability to self-evaluate. Unlike Lennie, she doesn’t have the excuse of being mentally slow. She is a women who thinks of more than her surroundings has a dream even though she’s deeply dissatified with her life. Curley’s wife likes to talk about her lost opportunities. She always tells about her encounter with a traveling actor who told her she could join their show. Also likes to talk about how she got an offer to go to Hollywood but swears on her life that her mother stole the letter. She would never realize that men weren’t really interested in her talent at all. She’s just self-obsessed, and unable to judge herself and her position honestly.  It is not coincidental that she ends up losing her life because she didn’t want Lennie to mess up her hair. How to cite Characterization of Curleys Wife Of Mice and Man, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jack Londons To Build a Fire Theme Essay Example For Students

Jack Londons To Build a Fire: Theme Essay The significance of the words dying and death in Jack Londons 1910 novel, ;To Build a Fire; continuously expresses the mans dwindling warmth and bad luck in his journey along the Yukon trail to meet the boys at camp. London associates dying with the mans diminishing ability to stay warm in the frigid Alaskan climate. The main characters predicament slowly worsens one level at a time finally resulting in death. The narrator informs the reader that ;the man; lacks personal experience traveling in the Yukon terrain. The old-timer warned the man about the harsh realities of the Klondike. The confident main character thinks of the old-timer at Sulphur Creek as womanish. Along the trail, the man falls into a hidden spring and attempts to build a fire to dry his socks and warm himself. With his wet feet quickly growing numb, he realizes he has only one chance to successfully build a fire or face the harsh realities of the Yukon at one-hundred nine degrees below freezing. Falling snow from a tree blots out the fire and the character realizes he had just heard his own sentence of death. Jack London introduces death to the reader in this scene. The man realizes a second fire must be built without fail. The mans mind begins to run wild with thoughts of insecurity and death when the second fire fails. He recollects the story of a man who kills a steer to stay warm and envisions himself killing his dog and crawling into the carcass to warm up so he can build a fire to save himself. London writes, a certain fear of death, dull and oppressive, came to him. As the man slowly freezes, he realizes he is in serious trouble and can no longer make excuses for himself. Acknowledging he would never get to the camp and would soon be stiff and dead, he tries to clear this morbid thought from his mind by running down the trail in a last ditch effort to pump blood through his extremities. The climax of the story describes the man picturing his body completely frozen on the trail. He falls into the snow thinking, he is bound to freeze anyway and freezing was not as bad as people thought. There were a lot worse ways to die. The man drowsed off into the most comfortable and satisfying sleep he had ever known. The dog looked on creeping closer, filling his nostrils with the scent of death. Londons portrayal of the man does not initially give the reader the theme of dying, but slowly develops the theme as the story develops. The story doesnt mention death until the last several pages. The main character changes from an enthusiastic pioneer to a sad and desperate man. The conclusion of the story portrays the man accepting his fate and understands the old-timer at Sulphur Creek had been right; no man must travel alone inthe Klondike after fifty below. Typically, short stories written in the early 1900s often conclude the story with a death or tragedy. Londons story is no exception. This story follows the pattern by illustrating events leading up to and including death. Thesis Statement- The significance of the words dying and death in Jack Londons 1910 novel, To Build a Fire continuously expresses the mans dwindling warmth and bad luck in his journey along the Yukon trail to meet the boys at camp. .